Helpful Navigation information

Please use the tabs at the top of the blog to navigate between pages. Videos and lessons are posted by week. You will be directed to quizzes and web-quests in the lesson plan. All activities, notes are linked to content, please do assignments if you are unable to come to class, or need extra practice.

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Friday, April 17, 2020

Week 30 Year 2019-20 OnLine learning

Week 30  ONLINE Learning
OnLine Learning due to School closing..
Your Direction what to do will start here and you will do and submit most of your work using Schoology

Finish up any late work from week 27-28-29

Next week Tuesday and Thursday will be Science work days

If you need help there will be office hours from 11:30-12:00 on T & Th...

If you need help between those times and I am able to help use remind or E mail, or in Schoology...

Monday-- Math & ELA

Tuesday--Science Class Day & Social Studies

Wednesday--Math & ELA

Thursday--Science Class Day & Social Studies

Friday-- Elective classes