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Book Chapters

Newer Edition of Book Links
Chapter 1
Section 1.1 chemistry
Section 1.2 Chemistry Far and Wide
Section 1.3 Thinking like a Scientist
Section 1.4 Problem solving in chemistry
Accuracy and Precision and error (web Link)
Summary and end assessment

Chapter 2 
Section 2.1 Properties of Matter
Section 2.2 Mixtures
Section 2.3 Elements and Compounds
Section 2.4 Chemical Reactions 
 Summary and end assessment

Chapter 3 
Section 3.1 Measurements and their uncertainty
Section 3.2 International system of units
Section 3.3 Conversion problems
Section 3.4 Density
Summary and end assessment

Chapter 4
Section 4.1 Defining The atom
Section 4.2 Structure of the nuclear atom
Section 4.3 Distinguishing among atoms  
Summary and end assessment

Chapter 5
Section 5.1 Models of the atom
Section 5.2 Electron arrangements in atoms
Section 5.3 Physics and the quantum mechanical model
 Summary and end assessment

Chapter 6
Section 6.1 Organizing the elements
Section 6.2 Classifying the elements
Section 6.3 Periodic trends
 Summary and end assessment
Section 5.4 old book: Section 5-4 The periodic table: organizing the elements

Chapter 7
Section 7.1 Ions
Section 7.2 ionic bonds and ionic compounds
Section 7.3 Bonding metals
Summary and end assessment

Chapter 8
Section 8.1 Molecular compounds
Section 8.2 Nature of covalent bonding
Section 8.3 Bonding Theories
Section 8.4 Polar bonds and molecules
Summary and end assessment

Chapter 9
Section 9.1 Naming Ions
Section 9.2 Naming and writing formulas for ionic compounds
Section 9.3 Naming and writing formulas for molecular compounds
Section 9.4 Naming and writing formulas for acids and bases
Section 9.5 Laws governing formulas and names
Summary and end assessment

Chapter 10
Section 10.1 The mole--a measurement of matter
Section 10.2 Mole-Mass and Mol-Volume relationships
Section 10.3 Percent Composition and Chemical Formulas
 Summary and end assessment

Chapter 11
Section 11.1 Describing chemical reactions
Section 11.2 Types of chemical reactions
Section 11.3 Reactions in Aqueous solutions
 Summary and end assessment

Chapter 12
Section 12.1 Arithmetic of equations
Section 12.2 Chemical Calculations
Section 12.3 Limiting reagents and percent yield
 Summary and end assessment

Classroom book Chapter 13
Section 13-1  Models of the atom
Section 13-2  Electron configuration
Section 13-3  Light and atomic spectra 

Holt Chemistry Book Chapter 15 Pages 530--565
Section 15-1 What are Acids and bases pages 530
Section 15-2 Acidity, Basicity, and pH  pages 539
Section 15-3 Neutralization and Titration pages 548
Section 15-4 Equilibria of Weak Acids and Bases pages 557

Classroom book Chapter 17 
Section 17.3 Aqueous Solutions