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Sunday, September 22, 2019

Week 4 Year 2019-20

Week 4

Monday= Assembly at (9:00 Cystic Fibrosis)

1. Video: Periodic table Family Videos Khan Academy
2. See Schoology for 2019 Activity Getting to Know the Periodic table Activity Print
3. Periodic table arrangement—fill in the blank periodic table
4. Periodic table Example similar to what needs to be filled out
5. Review Questions for Monday (what to know) Use the internet to locate the answers for the questions...

Tuesday:  Late start (7:25-8:30)
 Significant digits / Scientific Notation Unit Start
  1.  Video introduction Rounding Video  
  2.  Practice problems Rounding worksheet  
  3.  Teacher Demo
  4.  Place values Chart--Study the chart 

  1. Opener Video: Significant digits - Rules made easy (AKA Significant Figures)
  2. Introduce Significant digits Notes PPT
  3.  Teacher demo  (On-line Practice give it a try)
  4. Significant Digits Practice Do pages 61 and 62
  5. Significant figures practice mix (if time permits) 


Friday= Assembly at (1:30 Cystic Fibrosis)
1.  Hand back recorded assignments
2. Video: Scientific notation #1
Scientific notation conversions #2
Scientific notation #3--with more explanation
3.  Correct Periodic table puzzle page
4.  Scientific Notation Practice pages 1&2

Week # 5

  1. Opener Video:  Scientific notation  And Significant Figures with addition and subtraction
  2.   Demo Practice: addition and subtraction practice
  3.  Significant Figures Practice (review)&(addition and subtraction)
  4. On line Activity-- Watch the video Scientific notation and write 4 sentences on paper and hand in explaining how to do Scientific Notation 
  1. Video Sig Figs Multiplication and Division Rule
  2. Introduce Multiplication Sig figs and Practice worksheet:  Significant Figures Practice (pg 3 multiply and divide)
  3.  Practice worksheet #2 Practice Problems for significant figures
  4.  Complete From Thursday Online Activity-- Watch the video Scientific notation and write 4 sentences on paper and hand in explaining how to do Scientific Notation
  5. Group Review 
  6. Quiz on Scientific notation, rounding, Significant digits (10 q's )
  • Key Ideas for the quiz are       1.  Significant figures (apply the rules)   2.  Scientific notation (big#'s positive exponent/ small #'s - negative exponents)  3.  add / subtract with sig figs.    4.  rounding