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Please use the tabs at the top of the blog to navigate between pages. Videos and lessons are posted by week. You will be directed to quizzes and web-quests in the lesson plan. All activities, notes are linked to content, please do assignments if you are unable to come to class, or need extra practice.

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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Week 31 Year 2019-20 OnLine learning

Week 31  ONLINE Learning
OnLine Learning due to School closing..
Your Direction what to do will start here and you will do and submit most of your work using Schoology


Tuesday-Science Day
Models of the Atom - and Electron Configuration

1. Make sure you Do the Attendance activity (real simple)

2. Complete the Work sheet by looking through the attached ppt.

Open the Quantum Model Notes and fill in the blanks by typing in the answers.
You can Copy and paste the worksheet into a new document then you can type in your answers.

3.  Then click submit, and attach your answers and send it back to the teacher.

3a. Click on this link below for the worksheet:

Quantum Mechanic Model of Atom Notes

4.  Link for the Note guide is below --> See Schoology on Tuesday


Thursday--Science Day

1. Make sure you Do the Attendance activity (real simple)

2. Watch the video for points -- write or type 10 Significant Facts you learn from the video (please number your significant facts) see 2a

2a. -*-* These can be attached to the notes or typed in the creation tab or you can put your 10 facts as part of your note guide copy. (Just clearly label) See info below how to make a submission

3. Open the notes so you can

4. Answer the questions on the Note Guide worksheet

2a. Video for info on light & atomic spectra: Link

3a. Notes for Answers to Note Guide Worksheet: Link

4a. Note Guide: Worksheet to be completed and turned in: Link

To make submission :

Technical LINK<-- Has pictures to show what your looking for so try :-)

To make a submission to an assignment from the web platform, students can:
Click the assignment for which they'd like to make a submission.
Click Submit Assignment in the Submissions area in the right column.
Select one of these options:
Upload: Select a file saved to the computer.
Create: Create a document on the web using the text editor.
Resources: Select a file from the My Resources area or from a Resource App.
Click Submit to finish.

Friday--Elective Class Day