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Please use the tabs at the top of the blog to navigate between pages. Videos and lessons are posted by week. You will be directed to quizzes and web-quests in the lesson plan. All activities, notes are linked to content, please do assignments if you are unable to come to class, or need extra practice.

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Monday, September 2, 2019

Week 1 Year 2019-20

Welcome back we are looking forward to a great year this year. Any questions about grading, classroom expectations, or supplies please refer to the course syllabus.
Here is a short summary of  week1
  • Monday: closed for Labor Day
  • Tuesday- 

  1. Seat assignments,  and 
  2. Syllabus review

  • On HOLD:  Scientific Method Poster activity-- Groups of 4 --opportunity to collaborate with fellow classmates... Share Ideas and Create the poster requested. Thursday & Monday project

  • Next Week:

  • Chemistry Pretest / 
  • When finished with Pretest Conversion practice using the label factor method and quiz